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04 Dec 2013

Korea-Finland dance exchange programme | evaluation report published

None ripplecoverA strong ripple effect is the title of the newly published evaluation report for the 3-year Korea-Finland Connection dance exchange programme. It is available online from the co-organisers of the programme, Korea Arts Management Service (KAMS) and Dance Info Finland (DIF).

Korea-Finland Connection was a three-year collaboration programme between DIF and KAMS. The programme took place 2010-2012 as part of the internationalisation of Finnish contemporary dance activity and within the larger KAMS Connection programme of performing arts exchanges.  The aim of the co-operation programme was to create long-term co-operation and connections between Finnish and Korean artists and organisations in the performing arts and dance field. In 2013 the two organisations commissioned an evaluation of the programme.

The evaluation report states that the large number of results - both direct and indirect - constitute impressive success, by any measure. Not only did the programme reach its goals, it also created wider, deeper impacts.

The main factors in the success of the programme were the three-year time frame and the research-driven, process-oriented approach chosen by the organisers. According to the evaluation report,
the approach “contributed directly to a high degree of professional learning and capacity-building, positive perceptions and an impressive array of concrete outputs”.

The evaluation was jointly commissioned by KAMS and DIF and was undertaken by Judith Staines and Mary Ann DeVlieg.

KAMS Connection is on Facebook