Emerging Curators Intensive | Sydney 2012 | call

4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art is pleased to announce the introduction of its Emerging Curators’ Intensive, a new initiative developed by 4A to encourage professional advancement amongst emerging curators with an interest in curatorial practice within the Asian contemporary art context.
4A invites Expressions of Interest from curators at the beginning of their careers who would benefit from direct access to industry professionals to progress their curatorial vision. As part of the application process, respondents will be required to submit an overview of their current curatorial research which, if successful, will be the central focus for critical development throughout the programme.
Taking place over two sessions between July and December 2012, this strategically developed framework will critically engage 8 participants through a range of activities based on curatorial concepts, contexts and methodologies, and will be presented by key industry professionals. Participants are provided with the opportunity to develop their individual curatorial ideas and practice as well as broaden their professional networks in a constructive and nurturing environment.
In its inaugural year, the Emerging Curators’ Intensive will be led by Qiu Zhijie - an internationally renowned artist, curator and educator. Qiu is a professor at the School of Inter-media Art of China Art Academy, the Director of Total Art Studio and member of the supervisory team at the Art and Social Thoughts Institute. As an active artist, Qiu’s artworks take a variety of forms such as calligraphy, painting, photography, video, installation and theatre and have been shown at a large number of art museums across the world. Appointed the Artistic Director of 9th Shanghai Biennale 2012, Qiu will draw on his extensive experience and lead the group with his critique of contemporary curatorial practices and issues currently relating to them.
Programme Elements
- Keynote lecture
- Workshops and seminars led by Qiu Zhijie and supported by industry professionals providing broad perspectives on curatorial practice and ideas
- Gallery, museum and studio visits led by Qiu Zhijie and supported by industry specialists
- Roundtables and peer group work
- Delivering a presentation during stage 2 of current research to select group of Australian industry professionals.
Key Dates for 2012
14 May - Applications to be submitted in full by close of business
1 June – Successful applicants notified and provided with a preparatory reading list relating to the program and detailed program schedule.
3-7 July - Stage 1 of the Programme*
3-5 December - Stage 2 of the Programme*
*Please note successful applicants must be available for these dates.
As part of your submission you will need to include:
1. A Cover Page with your name, address, phone number and email
2. A Letter of Intent addressing:
- Reason for interest in the program
- What you hope to take away from the experience
- Describe your understanding of the role of the curator and expand on your aspirations, and what you hope to bring to the field
- Demonstrate this rationale through a previous visual arts project that you have either curated or participated in.
- Please provide no more than a page.
3. Statement of current curatorial research:
Please provide us with a concise insight into your current curatorial research and interests. This may relate to particular concepts, artists, curators or theoretical ideas and should help further define what you believe the role of the curator is. Please provide no more than a page.
4. CV
Please provide a one page CV showing relevant curatorial projects or work experience
Send your application via email to:
summar.hipworth@4a.com.au by close of business Monday 14 May 2012.
or via post to:
Summar Hipworth
4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
PO BOX K1312
Haymarket NSW 1240
4A welcomes interstate applicants and will provide one travel stipend for an outstanding application from outside NSW.
Source: 4A Centre for Contemporary Asian Art
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