Have Come, Am Here | open call exhibition

In conjunction with the exhibition of its own art collection running during the month of August and September, The City School of Culture and the Visual Arts is seeking submissions for “Have Come, Am Here” a juried group exhibition of local and international artists that will be on view at the CSCVA exhibition spaces from August 3 – September 4, 2012.
The exhibition will present innovative artworks and proposals that integrate or were inspired by the writings of Jose Garcia Villa. Jose Garcia Villa was among the first elected into the Republic of the Philippines Order of National Artist for Literature in 1973. He is considered as one of the finest contemporary poets regardless of race or language. Villa, who lived in Singalong, Manila, introduced the reversed consonance rime scheme, including the comma poems that made full use of the punctuation mark in an innovative, poetic way. The first of his poems “Have Come, Am Here” received critical recognition when it appeared in New York in 1942 that, soon enough, honors and fellowships were heaped on him: Guggenheim, Bollingen, the American Academy of Arts and Letters Awards. He used Doveglion (Dove, Eagle, Lion) as penname, the very characters he attributed to himself, and the same ones explored by E.E. Cummings in the poem he wrote for Villa (Doveglion, Adventures in Value). Villa is also known for the tartness of his tongue.- NCCA profile for National Artists
Villa’s works have been collected into the following books: Footnote to Youth, Many Voices, Poems by Doveglion, Poems 55, Poems in Praise of Love: The Best Love Poems of Jose Garcia Villa as Chosen By Himself, Selected Stories, The Portable Villa, The Essential Villa, Mir-i-nisa, Storymasters 3: Selected Stories from Footnote to Youth, 55 Poems: Selected and Translated into Tagalog by Hilario S. Francia.
Work submitted should contain the same spirit of innovation that Jose Garcia Villa exemplified as a poet, have the power to transform, inspire or promote appreciation of both the visual and literary arts. All media is acceptable including painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, performance, installation, text-based displays, video and sculpture.
CSCVA will assist in the transportation and documentation of the works accepted.
You must submit an application addressed to the Curator, CSCVA. There are no entry fees to be included in this exhibition and selection will be based on the merit of the proposal.
Artists/Proponents should send, by courier service postmarked not later than the date of deadline:
• CV with your contact details
• 10 photographs/digital prints or CD of ten (10) jpeg images of recent works. (see guidelines here)
• Accompanying annotated list of works
• A detailed study or sketch of the proposed work accompanied by a short statement.
You can alternately send all of the above in .zip or .rar attachment to info@cityschool.ph RE: Have Come Am Here
Schedule for Submitted Work:
Submissions Deadline: Friday June 20
Review Submissions: June 30 – July 10
Notice of Artist Selection: July 11
Work Delivered to Gallery: Week of July 31 (exact dates to be announced)
Opening Reception: Saturday August 3
Artwork return or pick-up: September 12 – 20
For questions or additional information please contact the curator, Geronimo F. Cristobal, Jr. at juncristobal@cityschool.ph
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