Lithuania | Kaunas Biennial 2013 | open call

Curators of the exhibition together with artists will pursue a concept that is new and unfamiliar in a cultural context and will consolidate it by presenting practical examples. We will go into the question of a unitext, which is the latest link in work -> text -> intertext -> hypertext -> unitext semiotic chain of a philosophic / art criticism / artistic field.
According to the consistency of this chain the UNITEXT exhibition claims a privilege to present novel ideas about the art at the level of structural and notional revelation. The suggestion is to perceive unitext in this chain as a universal artistic language, which unifies different experiences and concepts. The exhibition will provide a unique voice for each artwork instead of handling this task to explanatory texts. We believe artworks themselves are suggestive, influential and complete enough. We invite artists to present works experiences of which are based on a direct confrontation with an object / space / semantic field.
We invite to present unitexts, which are seen through intuition, materiality, spontaneity, sensuality, feeling, here and now experiences.
More about the notion UNITEXT
TERMS AND CONDITIONS for submission:
- Works submitted for selection must be executed during 2010-2012.
- It is suggested that a cycle, a group of works or an installation would be introduced.
- Project ideas are also acceptable complemented with photos of previously implemented pieces of a similar kind. Photos should represent the materiality, scope and impact of the submitted piece.
See website for all other submission details.
This opportunity came via Artservis (Thanks!)
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