ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture


ASEF culture360


Who initiated ASEF culture360?

ASEF culture360 was initiated by the Culture Ministers of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) in 2005 following several meetings of cultural policy makers and cultural practitioners who identified a need to facilitate information flow and cultural cooperation amongst member countries. For more information see About us.


Who manages ASEF culture360?

ASEF culture360 is managed by the Culture Department at the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).

What is ASEF?

The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) promotes understanding, strengthens relationships and facilitates cooperation among the people, and institutions of Asia and Europe.  ASEF enhances dialogue, enables exchanges and encourages collaboration across the thematic areas of governance, economy, sustainable development, public health, culture, and education.  Founded in 1997, ASEF is a not-for-profit intergovernmental organisation located in Singapore. It is the only permanently established institution of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). Together with about 700 partner organisations ASEF has run more than 650 projects, mainly conferences, seminars and workshops. Over 17,000 Asians and Europeans have actively participated in its activities and it has reached much wider audiences through its networks, web-portals, publications, exhibitions and lectures.  For more information, please visit

What is ASEM?

The Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) is an intergovernmental forum for dialogue and cooperation established in 1996 to deepen  relations between Asia and Europe, which addresses political, economic and socio-cultural issues of common concern.  The 53 ASEM Members are Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lao PDR, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Viet Nam, the European Union and the ASEAN Secretariat. For more information, please visit


Why are only certain countries in Asia and Europe included?

Since ASEF culture360 is an initiative of ASEM, only ASEM member countries are included in this portal. Presently, the 51 ASEM member countries included are Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Cambodia, China, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lao PDR, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mongolia, Myanmar, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Viet Nam. For more information, please visit


What is ASEF culture360's editorial policy?

Content proposed under Opportunities, News&Events and Resources is sourced and curated by our Editor. The content featured in our Magazine is directly commissioned to journalists and writers in the arts and culture sectors.




Can I post my content on ASEF culture360?

Presently, we do not invite content posted by our users


How can I submit my organisation profile to the Find a Partner page?

Please follow the instructions under our Resources section. ASEF culture360 seeks to play a role in the development of online cultural communities and networks between Asia and Europe. Find a Partner is a space where cultural organisations can find new opportunities to collaborate and network with each other across Asia and Europe. Every organisation can submit their profile to the Find a partner database. On the other hand, the Organisations and Film directories are curated by our team of editors. Only a selected number of organisations will be featured in these Directories.


How can I contact the editors?

Please send us an email at : your request will be routed to the appropriate person in the team.


Can I make comments to the posts that are published?

Presently this is not possible.




Where can I find ASEF culture360 on social media?


What content does ASEF culture360 publish on social media?

We daily share news, magazine articles, opportunities and events related to arts and culture in ASEM member countries. On special occasions we also live-blog from our official events.


Do you reply to direct/private messages on social media?

Due to the high volumes of messages we receive our replies may not be immediate. However we are always looking for valuable conversations with our followers! If your message is not spam, offensive or off-topic we will reply.


Do you retweet or share on social media?

We have a strict editorial policy that prevents from automatically sharing a post, but if it is not spam, offensive or off-topic the social media manager will forward the content to our editors for evaluation.


Do you follow/like other pages?

We are happy to add interesting users to our public lists, but we do not automatically follow other social media profiles, nor we endorse the ones we already follow/like.




Where can I subscribe to ASEF culture360 newsletter?

Just fill either of our subscription forms:


What content should I expect to receive from ASEF culture360 newsletter?

We send a monthly digest of the latest news, magazine articles, opportunities and events related to arts and culture in ASEM member countries. On special occasions we also promote our official events and publications.


Can I update my email address?

Of course! Simply click on the anchor text "Update your contact" you can find on the footer of each newsletter issue.


Can I unsubscribe from ASEF culture360 newsletter?

You are always free to opt-out clicking on the anchor text "Unsubscribe now" that you can find on the footer of each newsletter issue.