ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Insights > Asia-Europe Shared Heritage | online photo-video exhibition

By Ramona David

11 Jul 2011

Asia-Europe Shared Heritage | online photo-video exhibition

The exhibition "Shared Heritage: As We See It" showcases photographs and videos on the theme of cultural heritage by the participants of the 17th ASEF University programme.

ASEF University (AU) is based on an annual 2-week programme that aims to promote cross-cultural exchanges among young people from ASEM member countries. This year's programme (20th of June - 1st of July 2011), designed by Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) in partnership with the Centre for Policy Research and International Studies (CenPRIS) at the Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), took place in Penang, Malaysia, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2008.

The focus on heritage at the 17th ASEF University is in response to the priorities identified by the Culture Ministers of Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) during the 4th edition of their meeting in Poznan, Poland, September 2010. The need to foster awareness of the common cultural heritage as a part of youth education was given special emphasis by the Ministers.

The gallery and videos below present the work of forty-one students and young professionals from 31 ASEM countries around four main themes:

  • Definition of Shared Heritage

  • Importance of Shared Heritage

  • Examples of Shared Heritage

  • Young People and Shared Heritage

Examples of Shared Heritage

Flows - Merbok River, Kampung Sungai Batu, Kedah, Malaysia

Humans leave traces in nature throughout their life. However, we often forget the surroundings and let them be swept away by the waves of modernization. This video clip was intentionally slowed down so that the audience sit back, relax and enjoy the scenery of nature. The audience can see the waves coming to them, which implies that the impact we left on nature would ultimately come back to us.

Heritage Gets Younger Everyday - Penang Malaysia

As we learn and adopt varied aspects of culture, we engage with it in our own unique way. The short video explores the meaning of cultural heritage, which means different things to different people and how it can be made accessible to young people.

Lee Shushu - George Town, Penang, Malaysia

Lee Shushu (Uncle Lee) is the last remaining traditional joss-stick maker in George Town, Penan, Malaysia. He continues to make his joss-sticks by hand. The participants met him on a balmy afternoon at his shop and he told them his story.

The exhibition was inaugurated on 30th of June 2011 at Muzium dan Galeri Tuanku Fauziah (University Museum) of Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) in Penang and is scheduled to be presented in conjunction with the 5th ASEM Culture Ministers Meeting in Indonesia 2012.

Participants in the programme sharing their thoughts about shared heritage

17th ASEF University video presenting the two weeks programme

For more information on the exhibition and where it has been traveling to, follow the link bellow:

Travelling Exhibition by the Participants of the 17th ASEF University