Creative Responses to Sustainability | Green Guide for Portugal launched! is delighted to announce a new Green Guide for Portugal, in partnership with Ci.CLO Bienal Fotografia do Porto.
Since 2015, ASEF has been publishing the series Creative Responses to Sustainability, a series of country-specific guides that look at arts organisations addressing issues of sustainability in their artistic practice in
several countries of Asia and Europe. For this 6th Guide on Portugal, the first European guide in the series,
we have collaborated with Ci.CLO, an independent organisation based in Porto, whose work focuses on photography and its interaction with other artistic, environmental and social platforms.
The Guide identifies 16 most significant cultural organisations contributing to social and environmental change in Portugal. In addition to the Directory, the guide also features 2 essays: one on
Regenerating Sustainability Through Community-Led Initiatives by Gil Penha-Lopes and Tom Henfrey; the other by Nancy Duxbury, Thoughts on Future Directions: Art and Culture in Transformations Toward Greater Sustainability, looking at future directions in the area of sustainability and the arts. The essays provide a contextual background to the practical approach of the Directory as they set the framework of where
Portugal stands in the global debate on the role of arts and culture in promoting sustainability.
The main trends identified for Portugal show that arts initiatives are not generally taking place in big cities but more in the peripheries, in rural areas away from the big centers. Also, most organisations have set-up strong partnerships with local administrations and communities who are committed and engaged with sustainability. Overall, all the organisations featured are great examples of how through artistic projects, awareness is raised and behaviours are changed locally.
Like the previous guide on Australia, this guide also features an interactive map of the country with links to listed organisations so as to facilitate connections with the local operators.
Through this series, continues to respond to the existing gaps in the information on arts &
culture in Asia and Europe. In doing so, it also contributes to the Agenda 2030, particularly SDG 16.1 (access to information).
Download the Green Guide for Portugal
Download the Map of arts organisations in Portugal
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