culture360 - Podcast series #2 | How are arts organisations collaborating internationally in the New Normal? is pleased to launch its second podcast, as part of its media partnership with Cross Festival 2020.
In this #2 podcast, we will be speaking with the organisers and participants of Crisol- Creative processes, a collaborative project between a network of 7 Italian and 8 Asian partners, supported by the Ministry of Culture of Italy.
They will talk about what it means concretely to be part of this network and how important it is to support this transnational dialogue, particularly during these unprecedented times, when cultural exchanges are deeply affected by the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Can contemporary dance collaborations develop when physical encounters are not possible? How can international exchanges continue to thrive in time of New Normal?
Tune in to listen to hear from the our speakers from Hong Kong, India, Italy and Singapore.
Today's speakers are:
- Maurizia Settembri, Crisol Project Leader (Italy)
- Giulia Poli, Crisol Asia Path project manager (Singapore)
- Raymond Wong, General Manager of City Contemporary Dance Company (Hong Kong)
- Jayachandran Palazhy, Artistic Director of Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts (India)
- Fabrizio Massini, Dramaturg Crisol Asia Path (Italy)
Listen on Spotify and below:
Have you missed the 1st podcast? Listen to it here!