ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

Insights > Digital culture festival considers the future

By Judith Staines

22 Mar 2010

Digital culture festival considers the future

None Gustaff H.Iskandar from Bandung Center for New Media Arts, Indonesia, has written a review of the transmediale festival and conference held in Berlin in February 2010.

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The performance from that evening ended with a blasting sound that reverberated to all corners of the HKW Auditorium. For a moment, viewers who were present that night gasped in silence for a few seconds. Not for long, the auditorium of the House of World Culture (HKW) filled with boisterous audience applause that accompanied the departure of Ryoji Ikeda to the backstage.

Along with Pattern Recognition as the headline event that evening, a multimedia performance entitled Materia Obscura was presented by Jurgen Reble & Thomas Koner (DE), and Test Pattern shown by Ryoji Ikeda & Tomonaga Tokuyama (JP). Both featured sonic performance that blends with visual works in the giant format.

For approximately an hour the audience drifted into breathtaking sound composition and moving images that bring us into the realm of fantasy and terror of the dark future.

[… to read the full article, download pdf]

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