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Insights > Getting Ready For The Next "Festival Of Confirmations And Discoveries"

By Kerrine Goh

30 Apr 2004

Getting Ready For The Next "Festival Of Confirmations And Discoveries"

Since the Cannes festival has been spreading its message that it is open to all film types there is a notable increase in the number of entries to the Cannes selections. Excellent promotional job of the organizers and, the development of the digital film are the two reason that explain this growing number of entries for the festival.

The digital technologies continue to transform the film industry in terms of lower production cost and, therefore more films are on the market today. Genre films, animated, documentaries and work that are unable to label. The entire landscape of film style is represented in this Cannes 2004 edition. The total number of films submitted is 3.562 feature and short films. Compare to the 2.498 of 2003, it is an increase of 42%.

More entries but, the number of films in competition remains almost the same. Cannes' prestige is not just based on the affluence of stars. It goes narrowly together with the special distinction given to the selection.

What are the films that can be submited at the Cannes selection? First of all, the Festival is open to the world latest production. The Cannes Festival accepts films that have been produced during the twelve months preceding the festival (this is heighteen month for the School competition in the Cinefondation section). The festival has a firm and, exclusive character. It will only accept the movies whose exhibition has been limited to their country of origin. That means films cannot be presented in any other international festival or motion picture event before. Film that have been exhibited on the internet are also not eligible. Finaly, the production content must respect the Article 1of the festival. This article underlnes that ”The spirit of the Festival de Cannes is one of friendship and universal cooperation” .

If your film meet with these conditions, why not to try to get it into one of the Festival Section for the next year ? There are Four Official Sections

  • Official Competition: for feature and short films (short films cannot exceed 15 minutes)

  • Out of Competition

  • Un Certain Regard

A first feature films automaticaly compete also for Caméra d'Or It is awarded to the best first-time feature film in Competition and Un Certain Regard as well as to parallel events such the Directors' Fortnight and the International Critic's Week.

• The last of the four Official Section is Cinefondation

This section is for medium-length (max 60 minutes) and, short films. It was inaugurated in 1998, to present high quality films from film schools, fiction or animation. Every year, around fifteen films from all over the world are presented and awarded by a jury and a worldwide-known director. No documentary film can compete in the Cinefoundation section.

A Residence for Filmmakers

If you are working on a first or a second feature film, there is great option to consider. That is The Cannes Film Festival Residence. For a period of four and half months six young filmmakers will find support and assistance in their project to develop their feature of fiction . The Rsidence is based in Paris and, offers two successive sessions every year (October 1st – mid-February / end of February – mid-July). The Residence also includes a programme of seminars and professional encounters. To help the film begin the Résidence enables filmmakers to develop contacts with film professionals.

The next Closing date for applications to the Résidence du Festival are 1 October 2004 (for February 2005): (Read the details here)

Once your film is ready, there will be some cost and guide lines to follow before you can submit it to the Selection Comitee.

Check list for cannes 2005

  • Before submitting your film to The Selection Committee of the Festival de Cannes, you will need to refer to the rules and regulations of the category in which you want your film to compete.

  • Deadline for the applications is generaly at the mid of March. By that time, your entry form will be filled on the festival website at: and the following element must have reached the Festival Selection Committee.

  • A print, a videocassette or a DVD of the film.

  • You will need to send a subtitled film in French (in English for French film).

  • Some other cost for feature films (not for short films) are the screening fees that must be sent with your Beta (Read the details here)