3rd Conference of the European Association for Asian Art and Archaeology

Aims of the conference
The 3rd EAAA Conference aims to:- To open a dialogue between scholars of Asian art and archaeology and to offer a platform for the presentation and discussion of recent research;
- To highlight the significance of Asian art and archaeology research;
- To focus research on the many collections of Asian art in the European collections and institutions;
- To revise the historical approach that has been prevalent in the study and research of Asian art and archaeology;
- To critically engage and elaborate on existing art theories and methodology;
- To formulate new research vistas, approaches and methods in Asian art and archaeology.
Conference participation / Call for papers
Scholars of Asian art and archaeology from Europe and beyond are invited to submit their proposals for contributions on art and archaeology of China, Japan, Korea, South and Central Asia as well as transregional and transnational studies. The proposals can also focus on art theory, methodology and museum research in the above-mentioned areas. Graduate students are also encouraged to submit their proposals. The EAAA board accepts the following formats of participation:- Panel format: panel proposal (max. 250 words, including the name of the panel organiser, chair, participants, and discussant; 3-4 paper abstracts)
- Individual paper format: paper proposal (max. 250 words)
- Alternative formats: session proposal (max. 250 words, including name of the organiser, chair, and participants) with an explanation of the chosen format, timeframe and abstracts
Additional information
For further information about the 3rd EAAA Conference, please visit https://ea-aaa.eu/cfp-3rd-eaaa-conference/Similar content
05 Dec 2014
28 May 2017