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News & events > The 52nd International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Zlín
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27 May 2012 - 03 Jun 2012
The 52nd International Film Festival for Children and Youth in Zlín
The and several other cities in the Czech Republic from May 27 to June 3, 2012. Aside from the universally followed traditional international competition of films for children, films for youth, animated films and European debuts, the Days of Irish Cinema will be the main draw of the film program. Zlín's festival will also showcase some significant Czech filmmakers marking important anniversaries. Several films will be screened in the Anniversaries section whose music was composed by Zdeněk Liška (90 years since his birth), and films by director and artist Jiří Trnka (100 years since his birth). The works of the aforementioned Zdeněk Liška, who worked for many years in Zlín's film studios, will be a key theme of the gala evening with the festival's awards ceremony.
The vast majority of the screenings and events of the supporting program will take place in Zlín, and other film performances are being arranged by ZFF in Otrokovice, Kroměříž, Vyškov and Mladá Boleslav.
The organizer of the 52ND ZLÍN FILM FESTIVAL 2012 is the company Filmfest, s.r.o. Its co- organizers are the Statutory City of Zlín and Tomas Bata University in Zlín. The 52nd ZFF is taking place with financial support from the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the Czech State Fund for the Support and Development of Czech Cinema, and the MEDIA program.