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News & events > 5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale

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06 Sep 2014 - 30 Nov 2014

5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale

None fukuoka asian art triennale logo The Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale is an international exhibition to introduce the most up-to-date tendencies in art from 21 countries/ region in Asia, based on the continuous researches and art exchange programmes by the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (FAAM) in Japan. The 5th Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale runs 6 September - 30 November 2014. The theme is: Panorama of the Next World - Breaking Out into the Future Check out the list of participating artists The Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale presents paintings, sculptures, installation and video works as well as collaborative art-making, workshops and performance by inviting artists from Asia to Fukuoka.  In the 5th Fukuoka Triennale (the FT5), which commemorates the 15th anniversary of the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, we will introduce the most promising artists in Asia as in recent years. With four particular focuses stated below, we hold the 5th Triennale as our own unique international exhibition, aiming it to be "First-ever in Fukuoka and First Step to the World" in order to attract more nationwide and international audiences, along with ones from Fukuoka City and Kyushu Island. 1. While mainly focusing on and selecting emerging artists, who will be first introduced in Japan, the exhibition more actively incorporates the genre of video, photography, design, media art, and etc. 2. Setting up a special section, the exhibition intensively features art activities and works, which shows notably new tendencies in particular regions and genres. 3. The exhibition presents the artists who became internationally active after having participated in the Fukuoka Asian Art Museum Artists in Residence Program. 4. We aim to create a space of collaboration of Asian artists with people working locally in art and culture, such as visual artists, designers, architects, performers, researchers, et al. to provide them opportunities of continuous exchange and international activities for the promotion of culture from Fukuoka.