ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

News & events > 6th ASEMUS General Conference | Austria

By Sasiwimon Wongjarin

24 Sep 2014 - 27 Sep 2014

6th ASEMUS General Conference | Austria


The 6th Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS) General Conference will be held at Weltmuseum Wien (World Museum Vienna), Austria, from 24 to 27 September 2014. The conference is organised with the support of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF). The host organisation Weltmuseum Wien has launched the website for the 6th ASEMUS General Conference. On the website you will find details about the event and its programme. You can also  download the conference booklet here. The conference will include two half-day sessions of parallel presentations by participants and two half-day sessions dedicated to lectures as well as a presentation of the new museum concept of the Weltmuseum Wien. The conference theme, Exploring Borders refers to museum work itself, which very often involves being confronted by ‘borders’ such as national boundaries, political or ethical barriers or obstacles to cross-disciplinary approaches. Museums co-operate on international projects, interact across cultures and discuss all manner of ethical and moral issues. The museum as an international meeting place needs to accept and respect certain limits, while at the same time demonstrating the courage to go beyond its own borders. In the museum context, this can also mean tackling the limitations to our own creativity and sense of identity. In line with the theme of the conference, ASEF will host a special panel entitled "The Post-colonial museum: visions and trends from Asia and Europe", on 26 September 2014. The panel will address trends, good practices and challenges in museum practice that navigate ‘borders’ of various sorts, be it national boundaries or disciplinary limitations with a focus on Asian and European museums. Professor Amareswar GALLA, Executive Director of the International Institute for the Inclusive Museum in Denmark; Professor Hong-Bin KANG, Director of the History Museum of Seoul in Korea; and the independent cultural advisor Yasmin KHAN will be the keynote speakers of this panel. Other plenary sessions will involve presentations by the directors and project managers of several ASEMUS member museums which have recently undergone major development projects - including examples from the Netherlands, Malaysia, the Philippines and Poland. Relevant ASEMUS projects, including the Virtual Collection of Asian Masterpieces, will also be discussed. A range of specific topics will be examined over parallel sessions, including 'Museums and Communities'; 'Collaboration between Asia and Europe'; 'Curating, Exhibiting'; 'Learning through History and Culture'; and 'Framing Colonial Pasts in the (then) present: museums, decolonization and nationalism'. The conference will also allow participants to visit several museums in Vienna, including Kunstkammer Wien – Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien; NHM – Naturhistorisches Museum Wien; Volkskunde Museum; Jewish Museum Vienna; MAK – Austrian Museum of Applied Arts / Contemporary Art; and MUMOK – Museum of Modern Art. You can register by visiting the Conference website. For more information: