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News & events > Amsterdam | Japan - Today All Will be Different | meeting

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22 May 2012 - 22 May 2012

Amsterdam | Japan - Today All Will be Different | meeting


On Tuesday May 22 in Amsterdam, Trans Artists / Platform AiR NL organizes a meeting for artists and organizers of artist-in-residence programs about facing the unforeseen, with speakers from Japan and the Netherlands.

Thinking about artist-in-residence experiences in urgent situations

After the nuclear disaster in Fukushima in Japan (March 2011) AiR organizers in the polluted areas wanted to share their experiences and asked Trans Artists to address the subject. This meeting takes a wider scope and addresses also other situations of instability and urgency. Each artist-in-residence organization needs some basic form of continuity, consistency, and stability. What if this basic guarantee of existence is challenged? - How do AiR organizers cope with unforeseen situations? - How can artists prepare themselves to work in an unstable environment? - How do AiR organizers cope with artists, who come from unstable situations? The program of the meeting includes presentations, artist's talks and discussions about the challenges, which artist-in-residence centers in Japan are facing. Next to this we will seek for practical examples how to prepare for entering situations of instability and conflict, and how to deal with those situations. We will address the issue of receiving as AiR organizers artists in need, who come from unstable situations. And we will look for strategies and structures for sharing expertise and knowledge. Presentationsby: Mami Odai director of Arcus, Japan, Nishiko, Japanese artist based in The Hague, Peer de Rijk, director Tegenstroom / Wise, Amsterdam, Jan Willem Petersen, architect and founder of Specialist Operations, Amsterdam, Roel Schoenmakers, Cascoland, Amsterdam, Shahin Abdalla (Syria), former artist in resident at Cascoland. When: Tuesday May 22, 10.45 – 16.00 h. Where:Trans Artists office, Arie Biemondstraat 105, Amsterdam Costs: 10 Euro incl. Japanese lunch! (cash at the door) Sign up now!!: Read more about the programme. Further information - Contact