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News & events > Amsterdam | Value of Culture | International Summer School

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20 Aug 2013 - 24 Aug 2013

Amsterdam | Value of Culture | International Summer School



The 5th consecutive edition of the International Summer School in Cultural Economics takes place in Amsterdam 20-24 August. Apply to CREARE for the Value of Culture session on the relationship between Economics, Culture and Arts. Teaching faculty from the Netherlands and Japan.

For anyone interested in learning about the relevance of culture for the economy and of economics for culture. For anyone who wants to know what cultural leaders are to do in the new economy. For professionals in the cultural sector. For policy makers or advisors to policy makers. For advanced students.

The cultural economic perspective that this course covers, is intended to anticipate, understand and deal with the big changes in the economy and in the cultural sector that are currently underway. The new economy appears to become a creative economy. The production of meanings overtakes the production of things. The creative industries are about the production of meanings. What, then, is creativity? How to engender creative environments?  The cultural sector is about meanings. Why then, is it running the risk of being marginalized? What is the role of the arts? What will be its role in the future? What could cultural leaders do differently to improve the standing of the arts, and increase the necessary support?

Topics covered are: the new or creative economy, the realization of values, the vision and values of cultural organization, the four logics for the realization of values, creative financing, dynamic pricing, fundraising, cultural entrepreneurship, creative industries, intellectual property rights, creative cities, the economy of crafts, the functioning of art markets, creativity and innovation, strategic management of cultural organizations, and leadership. An economic primer is offered to those who are interested in learning basic economic principles.

The didactic approach is directed at:

  • gaining awareness—of one’s own vision, of one’s values, of one’s need to know
  • exploration—of new or different domains of knowledge
  • grounding—crucial is the connection with one’s own practices, as professional, as policy maker, as student.The grounding is realized by way of the own casus that every participant brings in, through a discussion of other casusses, and a concrete assignment.

There will be plenty of interaction as well as discussions in small groups.

Who can apply
  • Lecturers, researches and students who are interested in cultural management, policies and studies,
  • Representatives of public national and trans-national institutions dealing with culture,
  • Professionals working for or with private and public cultural institutions,
  • Curious people who would like to know more about the subject
Maximum of 20 participants will be admitted. Download, complete the application form and send it to We will confirm by email when we receive it, but please NOTE that your registration is only taking place when you transferred the fee. Deadline to submit the application: July 20 2013 Earlybird registration (by 17 June) - discount fee. Candidates who requires visa to enter the Netherlands, please contact us at the earlier stage.