artnet News reviews artist residencies in Europe

What Is the Best Artist Residency in Europe? What About the Weirdest? Artnet News asked several artists, curators and other experts their opinions on where to seek out opportunity on the Continent.
Take a look at artnet News best artist residency listings of The Swankiest, The Hardest to Get Into, The Best for Emerging Artists Looking to Up Their Game, The Holy Grail of Young Artists: The Netherlands and The [most] Unusual artists' residencies in Europe.
[caption id="attachment_65463" align="aligncenter" width="551"] Villa Lena. Photo Coke Bartrina, courtesy Villa Lena Foundation.[/caption]
For artists looking to bolster their CVs and networks, residencies can be the perfect setup, providing studio spaces, stimulating contexts, and contact with like-minded peers and curators and dealers that could strengthen their networks and advance their careers.
[caption id="attachment_65462" align="aligncenter" width="550"] Rupert. Photo: Gražvidas Balčius & Pixelete, courtesy Rupert.[/caption]
But as artist residencies proliferate, the quality of the experiences and the conditions they offer vary, making it difficult to discriminate where the true gems lie.
[caption id="attachment_65461" align="aligncenter" width="551"] Wiels Contemporary Art Center in Brussels. Photo Marc Wathieu, courtesy Wikimedia Commons.[/caption]
In search of the best opportunities that can be found in the European continent, artnet News has reached out to get the opinion of seasoned experts. These include Turner Prize-winning artist Laure Prouvost; Berlin’s KW curator Anna Gritz; DRAF London director and chief curator Vincent Honoré; artist Salomé Lamas; independent curator João Laia; and Institute of Things to Come curator Valerio del Baglivo.
[caption id="attachment_65460" align="aligncenter" width="553"] The Diogene tram. Photo courtesy[/caption]
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