ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

News & events > Cultural mobility in the New Normal: How can we continue to support knowledge exchange and mentoring of young arts professionals?

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28 May 2021 - 28 May 2021

Cultural mobility in the New Normal: How can we continue to support knowledge exchange and mentoring of young arts professionals?

ASEF and ENCATC are jointly organising on Friday 28 May the conversation titled: “Cultural mobility in the new normal: how can we support knowledge exchange and mentoring of young arts professionals?” This talk is organised as part of the virtual residency for arts journalists Virtual Crossovers, and will present innovative ways to support knowledge exchange and capacity building in times of restricted mobility.

Register here now!

Cultural exchanges with typical in-person formats have been significantly challenged in the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, many actors in the arts have risen to the occasion by devising new and innovative ways to adapt projects to be accessible online, and rallying their communities to co-create new digital art projects.

Success in this so-called 'race' to generate content amidst the COVID-19 standstill requires access to immersive capacity building opportunities for young and emerging artists, curators, arts journalists and arts managers; however, this is still limited in contrast with how distance learning has become a norm in other industries.

Are young arts professionals prepared or equipped to transform their practice into the virtual world? Can they access in-depth training and mentoring? Are they able to collaborate online extensively as they used to through physical exchanges?

The presentations and discussions will look at these issues and present current EU cultural policies to support exchanges with Asia as well share innovative ways to collaborate and learn online.