ASEF-supported THRIVE workshop networks networkers

Cultural network leaders met at the LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore in August 2015
The workshop, attended by 20 participants, and a related public forum, were held at LASALLE College of the Arts thanks to a partnership with the Faculty for the Creative Industries. Both events were supported by ASEF Creative Networks of the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and by the National Arts Council of Singapore (NAC).
The aim of the workshop, which was organised to coincide with the Singapore International Festival of Arts, was to share experiences and discuss ways to improve the operations and impact of networks. Workshop sessions covered corporate governance and network leadership; evaluating the impact of networks and improving practices; diversifying funding sources; communications, advocacy and building alliances; and regional issues.

Public Forum as part of THRIVE-Networking Culture Leaders in Singapore on 31 August 2015
The public session, held on Monday 31 August 2015, attracted 80 participants to hear 4 of the network leaders give presentations on the topic: 'Global Issues for International Culture Networks: Perspectives from Asia and Europe’.
The topics debated were wide ranging and included: the need for networks to engage more actively both within their memberships and outside the culture sector; ways to encourage the involvement of the next generation of culture leaders in networks and provide training opportunities; the interest in increasing networking within the culture sector in Asia; ways to promote the value of networks and to advocate on behalf of culture in general; the challenges of sourcing financial support for international networks from funders that are often focussed on national, regional or issues-based agendas; the challenge for networks of taking an informed critical position on sensitive issues; and understanding and celebrating networks as living entities that are born, develop and may eventually cease to exist and how to manage those transitions.
The workshop was informed by an IFACCA Discussion Paper, ‘International Culture Networks: A Preliminary Analysis’, based on a worldwide survey of culture networks. This paper will be further developed and published as a D’art Report in October.
Participants included:
- Sarah GARDNER, IFACCA (Australia)
- Shahidul ALAM, Drik Picture Library (Bangladesh)
- Marie le SOURD, On The Move (Belgium)
- Nan van HOUTE, International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts (IETM) (Belgium)
- Phloeun PRIM, Cambodian Living Arts (Cambodia)
- Aleksandra UZELAC, Culturelink (Croatia)
- Annamari LAAKSONEN, IFACCA (Finland/Australia)
- Silja FISCHER, International Music Council (France)
- Anna STEINKAMP, U40 Network “Cultural Diversity 2030” (Germany)
- Hiromi MARUOKA, The Performing Arts Meeting in Yokohama (TPAM) (Japan)
- TAY Tong, Arts Network Asia (Singapore)
- Jordi PASCUAL, United Cities and Local Governments’ Committee on Culture (Spain)
- Jutamas JAN WISANSING, representing the International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism (Thailand)
- Lea O'LOUGHLIN, representing Res Artis (United Kingdom)
- Ruth BERESON, Audrey WONG, Aleksander BRKIC with a welcome by Venka PURUSHOTHAMAN, LASALLE College of the Arts
- Anupama SEKHAR, ASEF
- Pamela THAM with a welcome by Kathy LAI, NAC (Singapore)
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