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19 Feb 2020

Asia Art Archive online resources

While some citizens and countries of Asia - and Europe - are currently facing restrictions in their access to public space and places of learning, Asia Art Archive offers positive online solutions to the continued circulation of knowledge and invites access to its extensive online art research resources.

Schools and borders may be closed in Hong Kong and elsewhere, but the circulation of knowledge does not have to stop. Asia Art Archive (AAA) offers a collection of online resources which can be accessed and explored anytime, anywhere. Featured here are selections from the Archive's online journal IDEASResearch CollectionEducator Resources, and public talks and programmes.

IDEAS Journal publishes essays, conversations, and contributions from an array of artists and writers, centred around themes related to AAA’s research threads. Revisit Phoebe Wong's note about the exhibition A Journal of the Plague Year, which explores the traumas of SARS and Leslie Cheung's suicide. Or feel free to browse other recently published IDEAS pieces.

AAA’s forty-three Research Collections comprise material gathered from focused research projects undertaken by AAA in partnership with artists, art professionals, and researchers. A new collection featuring documents from the personal archive of the Baroda-based artist Nilima Sheikh (b. 1945) is now available and forms part of AAA’s ongoing initiative to build archival collections and resources around the histories of women in art. It also contributes to AAA’s efforts to explore the continued relevance of “living traditions” in contemporary artistic practice. Browse the Nilima Sheikh Archive here.

AAA's Educator Resources support educators to better understand contemporary art and culture, and to encourage the exploration of teaching through art. These resources can be freely accessed online. View a talk by AAA Researcher Sneha Ragavan exploring modernist artistic practices in India between the 1950s and 1990, which draw on two AAA digitisation projects undertaken in India.

Our programmes and public talks are recorded and can be viewed online on AAA’s website. Watch a video of our recent chat with the architects, artists, and educators Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti. The duo discussed the urgency to move away from the usual binaries used to describe refugees and migrants, while rethinking the commons, participation, hospitality, and heritage—concepts in their practice that go beyond the vocabulary of aid, help, and development.

Asia Art Archive hopes you enjoy these online resources. Stay healthy and inspired.