ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

News & events > Asia-Europe Cultural Festival: 2024 | Biomodd project Open Call

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19 Jun 2024

Asia-Europe Cultural Festival: 2024 | Biomodd project Open Call

Biomodd, a collaborative community-engaged art project by the collective Space Ecologies Art and Design, is calling for participants in its latest iteration, involving the co-creation of an experimental system bringing together recycled computers and living ecosystems.  

This project is seeking curious, communicative, and collaborative individuals, aged 14 years and older to participate in 4 days of workshops held in the MUSE Science Museum of Trento, Italy. Held from the 28 to the 31 of August, participants will work together to create a uniquely hybrid system in which nature and technology intertwine and interact in new ways, prompting critical conversations about ecology, progress, and the technological future. The resulting interactive art installation created by the participants will be exhibited in the museum galleries from 1 to 7 September.  

Biomodd [TTO15] is organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation in the framework of the Asia-Europe Cultural Festival 2024. For its 6th edition, the public arts festival will be presented in Italy for the first time, as a “festival in the festival”, alongside Oriente Occidente Dance Festival.   

Those who are interested can find more information regarding the open call’s requirements and how to submit the application here.  


In collaboration with MUSE Science Museum of Trento and Oriente Occidente. 

The project is part of the Asia-Europe Cultural Festival 2024, organised by ASEF with the financial support of the European Union.  For the full programme, CLICK HERE.