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News & events > Asia-Europe Cultural Festival: 2024 Closing Curtain | Last Portrait

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28 Sep 2024 - 28 Sep 2024

Asia-Europe Cultural Festival: 2024 Closing Curtain | Last Portrait

A contemporary dance performance evoking feelings of loss, grief and distance.

Artist Dialogue and Presentation
28 September 2024, 4:00PM
Esplanade, Annexe Studio, Singapore

Contemporary Dance
28 September 2024, 8:00PM
29 September 2024, 6:00PM
Esplanade, Annexe Studio, Singapore

Countries: Germany, Italy, Singapore

Weaving together text, sound, dance, and visual poetry, Ashley Ho (Singapore) and Domenik Naue (Germany) will present a new performance-installation on loss, grief and distance while braiding connections between botany and illness, labour and care, tradition and regeneration. Last Portrait is a contemporary dance borne through the 2 artists’ collaboration and with guidance from Pietro Marullo (Italy) for 6 months, thanks to online sessions and on-site residencies in Indonesia and Italy. 

This contemporary dance was presented as a set performance as part of the Asia-Europe Festival’s main programme in Rovereto, Italy, in conjunction with the Oriente Occidente Dance Festival. For the Closing Curtain, it will be a continuing exhibition and performance, navigating the landscape of loss, which is transformed through connectivity. In a world of rapid change, it feels like collapse is a spectacle we are watching collectively. Part of a generation hyper-aware of loss, we track change obsessively, also knowing that when we document what is present, we are pointing out everything that can disappear. How can we move forward, not stuck in nostalgia or paralysed by the fear of losing?  

Using excavated personal family objects collected through the years, this iteration invites us to a space where relics of the artists’ performances rest, connecting with spectators through the memories emanating from those pieces. The artists will perform single fragments of their work as they guide and go into conversations with the audience. 

First performed in a defunct (and re-purposed) shipping wharf in Amsterdam in July 2024, the performance-installation is itself a document that will evolve through its different iterations. Last Portrait is an on-going conversation that develops where it travels through: Over het IJ and Dansateliers in the Netherlands, Studio Plesungan in Indonesia, Oriente Occidente in Italy, and Dance Nucleus in Singapore. With intermediate public presentations, the performance always remains an open question and an offering. 

Prior to the performance-installation, Ashley and Domenik, together with Pietro, will engage in a dialogue session titled Psychogeographies: Inter-textual Inscriptions, where they will discuss their collaborative relationship that has seen them working across different spaces (warehouse and wharfs, streets and HDB void decks) and contexts (Europe vs Asia, Amsterdam and Singapore where each has a special relationship with the sea and shipping). They will also speak about their unique approach to creating, in which writing, photographs, digital images, diagrams, videos, objects, gestures, dance, and other forms of inscription are irreverently treated as though they are equal mediums; freely generated and (seemingly randomly) composed together as bricolages. Through obsessive collection of different realia, and playful rewriting of document after document, they generate ‘inter-texts’ that become choreographies that in turn, respond to the different places that they inhabit or travel to.  


Saturday, 28 September 2024

4:00PM - 10:00PM Exhibition/Installation viewing hours

4:00PMPsychogeographies: Inter-textual Inscriptions  (Artist dialogue and presentation)

8:00PMLive activation of the installation (40-minute performance)

Sunday, 29 September 2024

2:00PM - 8:00PM
Exhibition/Installation viewing hours

Live activation of the installation (40-minute performance)


ashleyho+domeniknaue  is a collection of limbs and hearts. We create transmedial performative encounters, playing across dance, poetry, music, and scenographic experiments. We believe in performance as a social practice—a political, intimate process of transforming and being transformed. More than a consistent focus on specific thematics, our works propose a way of being with the world, that confronts harshness through vulnerability and playfulness.  We work like archaeologists, excavating hyper-personal documents and translating them into physical experiences that fuel collective imagination. Our collaboration has been nurtured by friendship, as well as support from institutions such as Dansateliers, workspacebrussels, Over het IJ, De Nieuwe Oost, CAMPO, and Dans Nucleus.  Our work has been presented in festivals such as Moving Futures, FAT Leiden, Dansand, Offspring (SPRING Utrecht), and contact Contemporary Dance Festival. We graduated from the Dancer/Maker Bachelor's programme at ArtEZ University of the Arts in 2022, and are currently working between the Netherlands, Belgium, and Singapore.  


Pietro Marullo is an Italian artist based in Brussels. His interdisciplinary work lies at the intersection of visual and performing art, installation and new technologies, deeply focused on social, historical and anthropological topics. He has always focused on the analysis of the human community, of the internal processes of violence, and of the cosmogonic forces that determine its morphology. His works are presented in four continents, in very important dance festival, performing art festival, theaters, music networks, puppet-object and contemporary art platforms. 

Watch the trailer here!

Creation, Performance, Graphic and Sound Design: ashleyho+domeniknaue

Scenography: ashleyho+domeniknaue in collaboration with Lena Michel van Drie and Pam Sikkink

Dramaturgical Advice: Elowise Vandenbroecke 

Styling: Cara Cain Insa Wittenhaus 

Production and Support: Dansateliers 

Co-production: Over het IJ 

Residency and Financial Support: Asia-Europe Foundation, Dance Nucleus, Studio Plesungan, Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, Janivo Stichting 

Thank you to Gabriel Pietro Marullo for the spiritual guidance, and to roelroel for sound support.

Scan the QR code or click the link HERE to book your tickets for free!

The event is part of the Asia-Europe Cultural Festival 2024, organised by the Asia-Europe Foundation - ASEF with the financial support of the European Union and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.  For the full programme, CLICK HERE.