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News & events > Asia-Pacific Writing Partnership

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02 Dec 2010

Asia-Pacific Writing Partnership

None The Asia-Pacific Writing Partnership brings together writers, scholars, writers’ organisations, translators, publishers to develop, explore, distribute and promote writing from Asia and the Pacific Rim.

It supports diversity of cultural expression and literature that crosses borders. The Partnership champions the notion that literature enhances understanding between cultures.

It seeks to collaborate with universities, writers’ festivals and other bodies in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond to initiate opportunities and events that benefit the region’s writers. The most recent event (in March 2010) was Writing Across Cultures hosted by the City University of Hong Kong, held in conjunction with the Man Hong Kong International Literary Festival in early March. It initiated international writing student exchange programmes between universities.

The key event for 2011 will be held in Perth, Australia in early December 2011, in conjunction with the 14th Biennial Symposium on Literatures and Cultures of the Asia Pacific Region at the University of Western Australia 5-8 December. Details have yet to be finalised. Check on the website for update or register for membership to receive details by email.

The Partnership’s Board and Advisory Council include established writers, scholars, editors, translators, publishers, literary agents and others associated with the production, distribution or promotion of prose and poetry from or about the Asia-Pacific region.

You don’t have to be an established writer, a distinguished scholar or literary organisation to join the Partnership. Membership is free to anyone interested in keeping up-to-date with discussions about writing from the region.

The Asia-Pacific Writing Partnership is hosted by the Creative Writing Program at The University of Adelaide.