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News & events > Asialink Arts announces 2014 Australia-Asia arts residents

posted on

13 Mar 2014

Asialink Arts announces 2014 Australia-Asia arts residents

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Asialink Arts in Australia presents the artists selected for the Asialink Arts Residencies in Australia and Asia in 2014. A diverse range of artists, locations and projects have been awarded.  The Asialink Arts Residencies support Asia Capability through Cultural Exchange and the programme has run since 1991.

In 2014, Australian artists selected for Residencies to Asia will travel to Cambodia, India, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam. Several Reciprocal Residencies will take place, involving artists selected in both locations. Residency Laboratories are taking place in Japan and Indonesia in 2014.

The Asialink Arts Residencies are supported by The Australia Council for the Arts