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News & events > Asian Festival of Children's Content | Singapore

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30 May 2014 - 04 Jun 2014

Asian Festival of Children's Content | Singapore


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The Asian Festival of Children's Content (AFCC) takes place in Singapore 30 May - 4 June. AFCC brings together content creators and producers with parents, teachers, librarians and anyone interested in quality Asian content for children around the world.

The country focus for AFCC 2014 is India - "land of perennial stories"

With a mix of professional conferences, masterclasses and workshops, rights fair and media mart, and public events, AFCC is a unique and popular event in Asia that provides an opportunity for writers, illustrators, editors, publishers, agents, distributors, parents, children, teachers, and librarians to meet, learn, develop their craft, and discover business opportunities.

The Asian Festival of Children's Content  is a multi-event festival / conference with a Writers and Illustrators Conference, a Teachers Congress, Parents Forum, Media Summit and Masterclasses.

  • The Writers & Illustrators Conference gathers writers and illustrators to come together with publishing industry professionals to share, network, and celebrate children’s content from Asia and around the world.
  • The Media Summit provides a crossover networking opportunity for media and literary professionals from Asia and around the world. The conference presents a line-up of sessions and workshop centring on multi-platform storytelling, pitching, interactive narrative and digital marketing to address the current trends and issues in the content market.