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News & events > Ask a Curator day | global initiative | 18 September

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10 Sep 2013

Ask a Curator day | global initiative | 18 September

None Twitter bird button on a keyboard

Ask a Curator day started in 2010 and is back on 18 September 2013 for another day of social and cultural exchange.  This global Twitter-based event connects experts in venues large and small directly to gallery and museum fans across the world, inviting both parties to take to their handles and ask each other anything they want.

Ask a Curator is a way for the public to talk to curators and professionals in cultural venues to which they normally don't have access. It's open to everyone – museums, galleries, historic or cultural buildings, theatres – and participants can ask them anything they're curious about or want more information on.

The campaign began in 2010 when Jim Richardson from Sumo Design spotted that Twitter would be a good platform to bring curators together with their visitors (and future visitors). The #AskaCurator hashtag was quickly trending worldwide. "The inspiration was really a frustration I guess," said Richardson. "In the museum world you have a movement towards more open and engaging museums, which is often referred to as Museum 2.0, the idea that a museum can evolve and get better by interacting and involving the public."

Check this link for an update of which museums worldwide are participating in Ask A Curator day

You'll find museums in most European countries, in Russia, Australia, New Zealand, Philippines, Cambodia and more...

Museums: 262 | Countries: 30

Any museums, art gallery, national trust, etc can sign up.  There is still time to sign up – get your local museum on board!

Read more about Ask a Curator day on The Guardian Culture Professionals site

IMAGE | Ask a Curator day connects experts in venues large and small directly to gallery and museum fans across the world. Photograph: Alamy