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News & events > Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Chiang Mai | deadline extended!

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01 Dec 2016 - 07 Dec 2016

Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Chiang Mai | deadline extended!

None 001fd352-37bc-483b-8913-fcb68a57642f The Festival Academy, an initiative of the European Festivals Association (EFA), calls for applications for the Atelier for Young Festival Managers in Chiang Mai, Thailand to take place 1-7 December 2016 in collaboration with the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau (TCEB). It is open to young festival managers from all over the world.

Deadline for applications extended to 24 April 2016

45 participants will be selected for the 7-day training programme during which they will discuss different aspects of artistic festival management with some ten renowned festival directors from all over the world. Young festival managers from all over the world (average of past Atelier participants is 35) are invited to apply. The Atelier is guided by the motto “The true role of a festival is to help artists to dare, to engage in new projects,” borrowed from Bernard Faivre d'Arcier, longstanding Director of the Avignon Festival and President of the Lyon Biennial (France). It is an intense and rigorous 7-day training platform addressed at emerging artistic festival directors or those who have ambitions to become involved in programming or in programming related departments within a festival. It is all about formulating experiences and passing on knowledge to a next generation of festival makers: knowledge about programming a festival, thematically focusing on the very essence of arts festivals: the arts and the artist. Format The skills of festival managers needed for the artistic development of festivals is at the heart of the Atelier. Participants will work in small groups, attend lectures and debates, learn from case studies and implement practical activities. Atelier mentors and presenters – all renowned, trailblazing festival managers from all over the world - will share their rich experiences with the participants. The Atelier goes beyond traditional teaching practices; the carefully selected young programmers will widen their horizons and perspectives on festivals and programming practices. They will be able to enlarge and build a sustainable network, which proves to be essential on the long-term. Participants will have the chance to compare their views with colleagues from various cultural and professional contexts and backgrounds, and analyse it in view of the local context of Chiang Mai. What about the relationship between traditional and contemporary art in Thailand? In how far does this reflect in festival management concepts? In how far do political and social developments have an influence on artistic programming? What are the similarities and differences in comparison to other contexts?
“With Chiang Mai the Atelier is going to Asia for the third time. Following the Ateliers in Singapore (2011) and Gwangju, South Korea (2015) the cooperation with our partners in Thailand is key for The Festival Academy and EFA to further strengthen our collaboration with the Asian cultural world,” Kathrin Deventer, Secretary General European Festivals Association
Presenters Under the coordination of Hugo De Greef (former EFA Secretary General, Founder and former Director Kaaitheater), leading and experienced festival operators, professionals and artists from all over the world will give lectures, lead workshops and take part in round tables and debates – all of them spending several days with the participants which will allow plenty of time for one-on-one exchanges. At least three of the experienced festival leaders will stay for all seven days. Have a look at the list of presenters of the previous Ateliers. Participants The Atelier is a working space especially designed for festival operators:
  • Dealing with one or more artistic disciplines within a festival
  • Having a basic practical knowledge in festival operation
  • Demonstrating the ambition to deepen their skills in the field of programming or in a department closely related to it (e.g. communication, production...)
  • Proving alternatively that a study course (already completed or due to be completed) is in line with the Atelier
  • Giving evidence of his/her ambition to work in the festival business
Course fee Full course fee: 2100,00 EUR Reduced course fee for individual EFA members: 1300,00 EUR The fee includes accommodation for seven nights (in a hotel in walking distance to all venues), registration, working documents, access to all sessions, meals and drinks, receptions, local transport, cultural and artistic programme and follow–up activities. Travel expenses and insurance are at the participant's costs. EFA will assist as much as possible with visa issues and other permissions in preparation of the Atelier. See website for details of partnerships with various countries to support participation costs.