Auch, France | Fresh Circus#5

Save the date and check registration options for FRESH CIRCUS#5 — Circus is everywhere! 22—23—24 October 2019 in Auch, France
Flagship event of the Circostrada network, the International Seminar for the Development of Circus Arts is coming back to France after a successful fourth edition in Brussels last year! Co-organised with CIRCa - National Pole for Circus - the 2019 edition will take place in Auch (France) from 22 to 24 October, in the course of the 32th edition of the contemporary circus festival.
Entitled "Circus is everywhere!" FRESH CIRCUS#5 will adapt the traditional conference model to the festival specificities and to the seminar topic, that is the relation between circus and territories, with an emphasis on rurality.
Questioning the contexts of each project, its singularities, its territories, confronting knowledge and experiences, such will be the stakes of this meeting.
On the agenda of this 3-day seminar: professional exchanges, artistic performances, pitches, real-life case studies illustrating circus projects on territories (the call for proposals will be available very soon on this page), informal meeting gathering diverse profiles, thematic debates, and many parallel activities including an eat & meet time to discover the local products of Gascogne.
Pre-programme and online registrations will be launched early July, stay tuned and mark the dates in your calendar!
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