For its 24th biennial, Europalia International will bring India to the heart of Europe. During 4 months (October 4 2013 - January 26 2014) you can discover this mysterious and fascinating country, where different cultures meet, interact and bring about a unique creativity.
europalia.india will translate India’s immense cultural wealth into a multidisciplinary programme comprising exhibitions, concerts, dance and theatre performances, conferences, cinema and literature events. Europalia.india will be a magnificent festival with close to 400 events and performances in about 200 venues. Artists, experts and art works will travel to Belgium on the occasion of the festival.
Europalia is a major international arts festival held every two years to celebrate one invited country’s cultural heritage. Since 1969, Europalia has organised some twenty-two festivals. Each has turned the spotlight on one culture in a comprehensive programme of music, fine arts, photography, cinema, theatre, dance, literature, architecture, design, fashion, gastronomy...
Image: Meidhwani @ IGNITE 2 | Attakkalari Centre for Movement Arts