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News & events > Belgium | Made in China Festival 2022

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15 Feb 2022 - 31 Mar 2022

Belgium | Made in China Festival 2022

The 3rd edition of the Made in China Festival is taking place in Ghent, Belgium with events planned at different venues across the city over the period 15 February - 31 March.

In 2022 the events programme offers:

  • February 15: Vooruit - Literature event
  • March 8-24: Sphinx Cinema - Movies hot in China - Movies presented at international filmfestivals - Unknown pearls of the Chinese cinema rarely shown in the West !
  • March 19: Handelsbeurs - The Wonderful Chinese-European World of music & visual arts
  • March 27: Minard - Movies - Debate - Documentary - VR - Art - Shortmovies
  • March 31: Aula Ugent - Made in China Festival & China Platform Ghent University & Poëziecentrum Gent join forces and invite you to a special evening filled with Chinese (Un)Truths & Poetry!

Made in China Festival wants to illuminate Contemporary China in all its facets. We aim to create a modest but reliable, high-quality platform where art, culture and current affairs in China are highlighted on different locations in Ghent. Various sectors are being brought together, to share knowledge and offer a window on the rich and challenging cultural variety that China provides in order to establish a forum for debate on evolutions in the social-economical-cultural field and offer 'China' a face and a permanent place/basis in Ghent.

“Made in China” refers on the one hand to all Chinese-made-artifacts surrounding our daily lives without us being conscious about who the people of China really are, on the other hand are the films, the short movies, the documentaries shown during the Festival made by Chinese film directors and being watched by large audiences in China. The interactive Performances created by artists and the Talks held by ardent China-professionals are inspired by China.