Berlinale 2012 Diary: DK Akademie hosts 9th festival workshop

The Deutsche-Welle Akademie continues to host the Film Festival and Event Management Workshop, a 5 week course in film festival management for invited festival managers from Africa, Asia and now, for the first year, Latin America in cooperation with the Berlinale management. The workshop is for international managers and organizers of film festivals. On its 9th edition, twelve participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America will take part. The intensive training covers all aspects of festival management -from film programming to promotion strategies, and learning more about funding, organization and more. They also have an opportunity to see how the Berlinale itself is run and meet and network with those involved.
This year the student mix is composed of the following international film festival directors, many of whom are active filmmakers and also working in various areas of the film business, such as distribution and exhibition.
1. Agustina Arbetman Executive director, programmer and production management Festival Internacional de Escuelas de Cine (FIEC) Buenos Aires, Argentina
2. Andrew Linggar Director of Dissemination Minikino, Jakarta & Denpasar - Bali, Indonesien
3. Anuja Arvind Ghosalkar Festival Coordinator Experimenta, Bangalore, India
4. Carla Ludmila Maia Martins Programmer and manager - Festival do Filme Documentário e Etnográfico, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
5. Godfrey Mambwe Festival Coordinator View Special Images Film Festival (VSIFF), Lusaka, Zambia
6. Hamed Kibria Public Relations Dhaka International Film Festival, Dhaka, Bangladesh
7. Laza Razanajatovo Festival director/ filmmaker Rencontres du Film Court Madagascar, Antananarivo, Madagascar
8. Le Thi Thu Ha International Relations Vietnam International Film Festival, Ha Noi, Vietnam
9. Roberto Ferreira Branco Festival Director Muestra de Cine Latinoamericano, Lambaré, Paraguay
10. Natalie Kombe Festival Coordinator Zimbabwe International Film Festival Harare, Zimbabwe
11. Shoaib Iqbal Festival Director Lahore International Children’s Film Festival, Lahore, Pakistan
12. Timibé Gervais Hien Head, Press service Pan-African Film Festival of Ouagadougou,Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso
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