Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez | Public Library of the Year 2023

The annual Public Library of the Year Award 2023, bestowed by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in collaboration with Danish software company Systematic, goes to the Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez, in Barcelona, Spain.
The Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez resembles a stack of open books and serves as a central community hub for 240,000 residents. Designed by Suma Arquitectura, the main focus of the library is on learning and social connection. To this end, it offers workshops on creativity, languages and digital literacy. With facilities that include an auditorium, radio studio, cooking workshop and sensory space for children and young people, the library caters to a wide range of interests and experiences.
This year, the competition featured 16 libraries from 11 different countries. The other finalists were:
- Public Library Janez Vajkard Valvasor Krško (Slovenia)
- Parramatta Library (Australia)
- Shanghai Library East (China)
As Jakob Guillois Lærkes, Chairman of the Jury, says:
“The four nominated libraries all stand out and are each a true gift to their local community. The Biblioteca Gabriel García Márquez is a great example of how a library can serve as a crucial link between people and communities. The entire building process, including the selection of materials, has been characterised by rigorous sustainable choices and bold and ambitious solutions.”
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