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News & events > Brighton | Ethics Under Cover | 4th International Conference on Comics and Medicine

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05 Jul 2013 - 07 Jul 2013

Brighton | Ethics Under Cover | 4th International Conference on Comics and Medicine



Registration is now open for the 4th International Conference on Comics and Medicine, taking place in Brighton, UK from 5-7 July 2013. The conference title is Ethics under Cover: Comics, Medicine and Society.

This interdisciplinary conference intends to appeal to a wide audience, including healthcare professionals, comics creators, students, academic scholars, comics enthusiasts, and various stakeholder groups. The meeting will consist of a mix of peer reviewed academic papers, lectures and workshops. There will also be an exhibition and stalls for participants’ work.

Brighton and Sussex Medical School in collaboration with Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Trust and Graphic Medicine is hosting the fourth international conference on Comics and Medicine. Previous meetings have been held in London, Chicago and Toronto (more information at

The keynote conference speaker, Paul Gravett, was the artistic director for the 2nd edition of Lingua Comica – Asia-Europe Comics Project.

Read more about Lingua Comica