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News & events > Brisbane | 8th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

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21 Nov 2015 - 10 Apr 2016

Brisbane | 8th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

None ALIanida_youe_TheBuddhistBugNightSeires1_2015_003_desktop Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (APT) is the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art's flagship exhibition is focused on the work of Asia, the Pacific and Australia. It is open in Brisbane 21 November 2015 - 10 April 2016, featuring more than 80 artists and groups. This eighth edition emphasises the role of performance in recent art, with live actions, video, kinetic art, figurative painting and sculpture exploring the use of the human form to express cultural, social and political ideas, and the central role of artists in articulating experiences specific to their localities. APT8 includes more than 80 artists and groups, an ongoing program of artist performances and projects; a conference as part of the opening program; extensive cinema programs; publications; and activities for kids and families. 11234809_10153270036481716_8958544605246304530_n Two focus projects are the result of in-depth research and ongoing exchange with the region. Yumi Danis (We Dance) presents the vitality and complexity of performance in the cultures of some of our nearest neighbours: Papua, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia. Kalpa Vriksha: Contemporary Indigenous and Vernacular Art of India looks at the breadth and vibrancy of Indigenous and vernacular art from regions of India. Also featured are site-specific installations by artists from UAE/Iran, India, South Korea, Myanmar, Australia and New Zealand. APT8 Cinema programs address the representation of Islamic cultures in popular culture throughout the region and showcase independent cinema from the Philippines. APT8 also sees the reintroduction of the APT Conference, and the development of a new component focusing on live performance, APT8 Live. APT 8 Kids includes interactive artworks and activities developed in collaboration with the APT8 artists. Images: [top] Anida Yoeu Ali's ‘The Buddhist Bug, Into the Night’ [bottom] Min Thein Sung creates playful and personal works that draw on daily life in Myanmar by focusing on the simple handmade toys that people created as copies of foreign toys / 'Another realm' is symbolic of the slippage that occurs between image and representation when a community is isolated from the world, but also celebrates a spirit of creativity, imagination and adaptability // Another Realm (Horse) 2015, Linen, aluminium wire, copper wire, rope, © The artist