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News & events > Brussels | Sound Week Festival

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24 Jan 2011 - 30 Jan 2011

Brussels | Sound Week Festival

None The first Sound Week Festival (La Semaine du Son) is organised in Brussels end of January 2011, following an interesting interdisciplinary model developed in France and various other cities worldwide. Events, workshops, performances, commissions all revolve around sound and concentrate on the importance of the quality of the sound environment we live and work in. La Semaine du Son was first launched in France in 2004 and now reaches some 50 towns and cities in France. The idea has been presented in North and South America and elsewhere in the world.  Now for the first time in Brussels! Content includes some Asian input with a Qi Gong session using the six therapeutic sounds which harmonise the human body according to Chinese traditional medicine principles and a session on Tibetan bowls and sound massage.  Ping-Song is a sound-enabled ping pong table developed by two visual artists in Belgium. Sound postcards, city soundscapes, performances and sound walks through the city also form part of the programme.  An interesting model: perhaps for transfer to Asia?