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News & events > Busan Biennale 2012

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22 Sep 2012 - 24 Nov 2012

Busan Biennale 2012

None A key element for the Busan Biennale 2012 is to stage collaborations between artists and their audience. This year's theme "Garden of Learning" will be structured around such interactions and set up a number of "learning councils" through which members of the general audience can question and discuss with individual artists.  As small scale laboratories, the learning councils will engage the audience to feel more strongly connected with the artworks and experience a deeply personal understanding of the artistic process and outcome. Simultaneously, artists will be given an opportunity to get a privileged access to the urban, historical, and human resources of Busan. The following three topics will act as pillars for the councils:
  • Layers of historical memory
  • Visions for Busan
  • The Ontology of Art
An open call was organised earlier this year to invite potential collaborators. The biennale will run for 64 days and will take place at the Busan Museum of Art amongst other venues. It will involve approximately 40 artists and showcase over 200 pieces of artwork. Read more about Busan Biennale's work in progress Source: Busan Biennale