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News & events > [Call for Case Studies] Museums and public private partnerships in heritage cities

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27 Feb 2012

[Call for Case Studies] Museums and public private partnerships in heritage cities

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Open Call for Case Studies

Investigating the Role of Museums in Public Private Partnership in the Sustainable Management of Heritage Cities.

  The Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) invites members of the Asia-Europe Museum Network (ASEMUS) to submit proposals of case studies on the innovative roles being played by member museums in the sustainable management of heritage cities and historic urban landscapes. The case studies will be included in a report presented by ASEF to the Fifth Culture Ministers’ Meeting of the Asia-Europe Meeting, scheduled to be held in September 2012 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The report will serve to channel civil society inputs to the Ministerial meeting in the form of 20 case studies and good practices compiled in collaboration with partners, including ASEMUS and Europa Nostra.

Deadline March 15 2012

Become an Asia-Europe Museum Network member now!

In particular, we are interested in hearing about innovative Public Private Partnerships (PPP) in the context of heritage cities and historic urban landscapes. For more details, read the detailed call here: Investigating the Role of Museums in Public Private Partnership in the Sustainable Management of Heritage Cities (PDF, 90kb) Your proposal should include: a brief description of the proposed example and a statement on the public-private partnership model outlining the role of the museum and its partners. The case should be clearly defined.
Send a 250-word proposal, together with the name and email of the contact person at the proposing museum to Ms. Huism TAN at asemus [at] latest by 15 March 2012.
The results will be communicated by 31 March 2012.