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News & events > Call for Panels: SEAMEO-SPAFA Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

19 Sep 2015

Call for Panels: SEAMEO-SPAFA Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology

Call for Panels SEAMEO-SPAFA Conference The Regional Centre for Archaeology and Fine Arts of the Southeast Asian Ministers Organization (SEAMEO-SPAFA) has recently announced that the Second International Southeast Asian Archaeology Conference will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, from 30 May to 2 June 2016. Following the success of the first conference in 2013, organisers hope to advance Southeast Asian archaeology by facilitating a venue for researchers in the region to present their work and to make connections with colleagues and partners. In this context, organisers have also launched a call for panels, inviting researchers and other interested professionals to propose debates particularly in the following areas:
  • Maritime / underwater archaeology;
  • Rock art;
  • Conservation in the Tropics;
  • Archaeology education (both university and school level)
Panels should be relevant to the field of Southeast Asian archaeology and can be centered around themes such as geographic regions, types of material culture, archaeological methodologies, theories or cultures. Panel proposals will be assessed by the Conference's academic board and limited by the number of rooms at the conference venue. The call for panels for this 2nd SEAMEO-SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology will remain open until 30 September. Based in Bangkok and founded in 1978, SEAMEO-SPAFA's mission is to promote the archaeology, fine arts and performing arts of the Southeast Asian region to the world. For additional information about the call for panels, please visit