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News & events > City Museums CAMOC 2012: Final call for papers

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07 Apr 2012

City Museums CAMOC 2012: Final call for papers

Vancouver, City Museums:  Collisions | Connections     Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities of the International Council of Museums
City Museums:  Collisions | Connections CAMOC/Museum of Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada, October 24-26, 2012
CAMOC, the International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), in collaboration with the Museum of Vancouver, invites papers for “City Museums:  Collisions | Connections”, a conference on city museums and their engagement in city life to be held at the Museum of Vancouver, October 24-26, 2012.
Become Involved! Submit an abstract by April 15, 2012 to:
Conference Papers (15 minutes): Interested participants, whether panel chairs or authors of individual papers, should send a proposal of 300–500 words accompanied by a 200-word biography OR… if you’d prefer to give a shorter talk to generate awareness and stimulate thought and action Ignite! Talks: Submit a proposal for a five minute talk about your work/research accompanied by 20 slides on any aspect of the conference theme. Just send an email with the following: 1) Name; 2) Affiliation/Title; 3) Presentation Title and 4) 150 words about your presentation Updates: Keynote Speaker: International consultant Larry Beasley, one of the world’s best urban planners. As former Director of Planning for the City of Vancouver, he led the revitalization of neighbourhoods, a strong heritage preservation program, and the city’s urban design studio. Opening Reception:  MOA/Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, featuring a welcome by a Musqueam elder and performance by the First Nations Dancers of Damelahamid. City Museum charette: Planning workshop towards new and expanded museums in three of Vancouver’s sub-cities: Surrey, Richmond and North Vancouver Poster Competition: Details coming soon

For details about conference themes or further information,  contact; 1-780-424-2229