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News & events > Commonwealth museum association conference, Glasgow 2014

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14 May 2014 - 17 May 2014

Commonwealth museum association conference, Glasgow 2014

Commonwealth museum association conference, Glasgow 2014

Commonwealth museum association conference, Glasgow 2014

Call for Papers

Taking it to the Streets: Commonwealth Association of Museums (CAM) and Glasgow Museums Scotland Street School Museum, Glasgow, May 14-17, 2014

Deadline for paper submissions September 15 2013

Museums are increasingly engaged in civic debate and developing exhibitions and programs to extend the reach of the museum beyond four walls throughout the community and, by extension, increasing their benefit to the society. Some museums are encouraging deeper community engagement – participatory governance – in which citizens are involved in all aspects of decision-making. There is a commitment to enabling individuals and groups to engage more fully in political issues, in public policy and in the governance of the museum at all levels. These relationships pose challenges for museums committed to sharing authority whether on a project basis or considering sustained changes. Join us for an international symposium, the opportunity to visit community outreach programs and tour Glasgow Museums, and an invitational workshop on Museums and Participatory Governance.

CAM and Glasgow Museums invite proposals for papers, panels, roundtables, Ignite! sessions, workshops, posters, and presentation forms such as performance art, that deal with community engagement and outreach. Interested participants, whether panel chairs or individual presenters, should send a proposal of 300–500 words and a 200-word biography by September 15, 2013 to Catherine C. Cole, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Association of Museums, 10023, 93 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA, T5H 1W6; CatherineC.Cole [at]

For more information download the CAM Glasgow Call for Papers 2014 (PDF, 476kb)

About The Commonwealth Association of Museums (CAM)

CAM was established in 1974 as a Commonwealth professional museum association and an international non-governmental organization (NGO) working towards the betterment of museums and their societies in the Commonwealth family of nations and globally. For nearly 40 years the museum association has worked with museums and museum workers throughout the Commonwealth who share a common history and perspective on the role of museums as places for civic engagement and participatory governance rather than simply places of passive learning. CAM members create dialogue and action on a variety of contemporary issues including human rights, peace, the environment, issues affecting women, education, literacy and poverty. With more than 300 members in 44 countries, CAM is a museum association that creates thematic and regional networks to support innovative projects encouraging action and increasing the impact of museums throughout the Commonwealth.