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News & events > [Conference] Cham Civilisational Linkages between India and Vietnam

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26 Jun 2012 - 27 Jun 2012

[Conference] Cham Civilisational Linkages between India and Vietnam

Cham sculpture In Da Nang, Vietnam, a two-day Conference on the Cham Civilizational Linkages between India  and Vietnam will be held. This conference would provide a rare opprotunity for the Indian archaeological teams working for the restoration of Angkor Wat, Ta Prhom in Cambodia and Wat Phu in Laos to present their results to the Vietnamese experts working on Myson. The following areas would  be covered in the conference:
Cham Sculptures: Exploring Linkages between Vietnam and India Cham Temples: Architectural Linkages between Vietnam and India Shared Cultural Heritage of Sanskrit and Cham Inscriptions of ancient Champa Sharing Restoration and Heritage Management Experiences from My Son, Angkor Wat, Ta Prohm , Wat Phu  and World heritage sites in India
(Image of a Cham sculpture: Collection of the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore)