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News & events > Conference: How Global Can Museums Be? | Japan

By Jordi Baltà Portolés

07 Nov 2015 - 09 Nov 2015

Conference: How Global Can Museums Be? | Japan

How Global Can Museums Be The 2015 Annual Conference of CIMAM, the International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art, part of the International Council of Museums (ICOM), will be held in Tokyo, Japan, on 7-9 November 2015. Entitled "How Global Can Museums Be?", the event is expected to gather over 200 delegates from more than 50 countries. A post-conference tour will involve visits to Naoshima and Hiroshima on 10-11 November. The question "How Global Can Museums Be?" does not refer only to the ambition of encompassing the entire world with all its differences; it also interrogates if and how one single institutional model can be valid for the world's diversity of contexts. Thanks to the generous support of the Getty Foundation, Los Angeles; the Fundación Cisneros/Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros; and the Gwangju Biennale Foundation, CIMAM offers 24 grants to support the attendance of modern and contemporary art curators and museum or collection directors. Grants are restricted to modern and contemporary art curators and museum or collection directors in need of financial help to attend CIMAM’s Annual Conference. Researchers and independent curators whose field of research and specialization is contemporary art theory, collections and museums are also eligible. While professionals of all career levels are encouraged to apply, priority is given to junior professionals (less than 10 years’ experience). Applicants having received CIMAM grants from the same grant contributor will not be considered for a new grant before 3 years. Grant applications should be submitted by 15 July. For additional information about the travel grant programme, please visit For additional information about the "How Global Can Museums Be?" conference, please visit
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