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News & events > CREARE Summer School | Value of Culture

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19 Aug 2014 - 23 Aug 2014

CREARE Summer School | Value of Culture

None CREARE_img2 The 6th international CREARE (Centre for REsearch in ARts and Economics) Summer School takes place in Amsterdam 19-23 August, on the 'Value of Culture'. Explore the interaction between the arts, culture, society and economy and learn from prominent cultural economists and practioners. Applications are invited till 21 July Earlybird fees apply till 15 June Value of culture 2014: on the relationship between Economics, Culture and Arts Dates: 19-23 August, 2014 Language: English Join the 6th consecutive edition of the CREARE International Summer School in Cultural Economics! Explore the interaction between the arts, culture, society and economy. Learn about the newest insights that the field of cultural economics has to offer. Learn about funding and organization, about articulating a mission and a vision for a cultural organization, about marketing with social media and about innovative practices. Learn about the workings of creative industries. Find out about the newest developments in cultural policies. Learn about up to date evaluation methods. Questions we address What relevance do the arts and culture have for society and economy? How to organize and fund cultural organizations in times of change? How to meet the challenges of decreasing subsidies and new technologies? How to formulate an up to date cultural policy? How to monitor the qualitative impact of the arts? With whom and where? Be part of inspiring and thought-provoking discussions with interesting and curious professionals and students from all over the world. Develop a network that will last a life time. Learn from prominent cultural economists and practitioners. And all that in the creative center of Amsterdam, arguably the most tolerant city of the world! This is the 6th consecutive course. Read what previous participants say about their experience. For whom?
  • For anyone interested in learning about the relevance of art and culture for the economy and of economics for culture.
  • For anyone who wants to know what cultural leaders are to do in the new economy.
  • For professionals in the cultural sector.
  • For policy makers or advisors to policy makers.
  • For advanced students in economics interested in the creative sector and for creative students interested in economic and management.
See CREARE website for application form and fees details