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News & events > Creative Ireland Programme 2017-2022

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29 Jan 2017

Creative Ireland Programme 2017-2022

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Launched at the end of 2016, the Creative Ireland Programme 2017-2022 is "an invitation to the entire country to get involved in something truly inspirational".  Creative Ireland is the Government’s Legacy Programme for Ireland 2016 – a five-year initiative, from 2017 to 2022, which places creativity at the centre of public policy, connecting the local, the national and the international.

Aiming to facilitate an ecosystem of creativity, the Creative Ireland Programme is based on five pillars, including a focus on Ireland’s potential to be a global leader in film production, TV drama, documentary, children’s storytelling, and animation for the screen, as well as a unified international identity and communications programme, based on Irish culture and creativity, to consolidate Ireland's global reputation.

Take a look at the full cultural policy programme, developed through a joined-up policy approach involving many government departments in its development and implementation. And watch out for the first Creative Ireland Forum conference planned for 2017, showcasing the best in national and international thinking.

The following ten initiatives will be completed and in place by the end of 2017:

1. A national plan to enable every child in Ireland to access tuition in music, drama, art and coding

2. A Culture and Creativity plan in every county

3. A Culture Team, Director-led, configured to local needs, in every county

4. Cruinniú na Cásca programme

5. The Departments of Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and Social Protection will work together to devise a mechanism to assist selfemployed artists who have applied for Jobseekers Allowance. This would be a pilot scheme.

6. A plan for the development of each National Cultural Institution to 2022

7. A five year capital investment programme for the culture and heritage sector

8. An industry-wide, long-term plan, for Ireland as a global hub for the production of Film, TV Drama, and Animation

9. A unified international identity and communications programme for Ireland

10. A new Creative Ireland Forum conference to showcase the best national and international thinking will have taken place.

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