ASEF Culture360 | Connecting Asia and Europe through arts and culture

News & events > Cross+Scape | 2011 ASEAN-Korea Contemporary Media Art Exhibition

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17 Dec 2011 - 18 Mar 2012

Cross+Scape | 2011 ASEAN-Korea Contemporary Media Art Exhibition

None CROSS+SCAPE, organized by the ASEAN-Korea Centre, seeks common grounds, differences and relationships between Asian cultures by inviting twenty-seven photographers from the ten ASEAN countries (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) and Korea, to look into Asia's contemporary art from new perspectives.  Under the theme "Scape that converges, crosses, and communicates" the exhibition reveals each country's unique characteristics and contradicting points of view. The exhibition gathers not only landscape photography from Southeast Asia, it also showcases the work of seven Korean photographers who visited the ASEAN countries to reveal their own interpretation of the places. The history, culture, and political situations of the various countries are articulated through symbolic formats: mass culture icons are restructured in a contemporary way while humor and imagination are expressed through digital means.