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News & events > Cultural Diversity Ministerial Forum (CDMF) of the Asia-Pacific Region

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13 Apr 2012

Cultural Diversity Ministerial Forum (CDMF) of the Asia-Pacific Region

None The Ministry of Cultural Affairs of Bangladesh is organizing a three -day Cultural Diversity Ministerial Forum (CDMF) of the Asia -Pacific Region supported by UNESCO and funded by the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) to encourage more countries in the Asia -Pacific region to ratify the 2005 Convention.

The Prime Minister of Bangladesh will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest and Ms. Irina Bokova , Director- General of the UNESCO as the Guest of Honor. There will be plenary sessions and discussions among delegates, experts and civil society representatives and at the end of the Forum a joint statement titled as the 'Dhaka Declaration' will come out with a special call for strengthening cultural cooperation in the region.

H.E.Abul Kalam Azad, MP Minister of Information and Cultural Affairs of Bangladesh being the Chairman of the National Organizing Committee already invited the Ministers for cultural affairs of 43 Asia-Pacific countries. Till date 25 countries have already confirmed their participation in the Forum and another 10 countries shown their interest to attend the CDMF. Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy [National Academy of Fine & performing arts] has already set a CDMF Cell at its premises for the event while eight committees based on activities of the event were formed under the national organizing committee to organize this international event.

Dates: 9 - 11 May 2012
