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News & events > Cultural programme of the French Presidency of the EU

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10 Jan 2022 - 30 Jun 2022

Cultural programme of the French Presidency of the EU

From 1 January until 30 June 2022, France holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, with a programme based on three ambitions: a more sovereign Europe, a new European growth model and a human Europe, proud of its culture, which places its trust in science and knowledge.

This French Presidency will be accompanied by an ambitious and multi-disciplinary cultural programme, highlighting the full extent of the diversity and wealth of European culture. More than a hundred events – including music and theatre shows, exhibitions and the illumination of heritage sites, and conferences – will be held throughout these six months across Europe.

This cultural programme is launched in Brussels, the seat of the Council of the European Union, by Roselyne Bachelot-Marquin, Minister of Culture, and Clément Beaune, Minister of State for European Affairs, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs on 10 January. It opens with the show Möbius, by the company XY and choreographer Rachid Ouramdane.

Among its highlights feature Eurofabrique, initiated by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux – Grand Palais, ODE (Orchestre Démos Europe), led by the Paris Philharmonic, and Traversées d’Europe (Crossing Europe) by the Collectif Fetart. Respectively, they offer a reflection on the future of Europe, a concert by young European musicians and an exhibition paying tribute to European photographers on the railings surrounding the Luxembourg Gardens. 

DJ Michael Canitrot will mix with other European DJs during the Monumental Tour – Spécial Europe, which combines electronic music with discovering heritage; Micro-folies, the programme created by the Grande Halle de la Villette, will incorporate a European collection and continue their rollout in European Union Member States; Olivier Guez will bring together 27 authors from all European Union Member States for a collective work called Le Grand tourportrait de l’Europe du 21e siècle, and debates will be given pride of place with the seventh edition of the European Night of Ideas and the Café Europa debates on the freedom of the press, organized by the Institut Français in all 27 countries of the European Union.

2022 will be a year dedicated to youth. A portion of the programme is therefore aimed at young people. This is the case for Danse l’Europe!, which offers, via an app, an innovative, interactive experience open to all, set to choreography by Angelin Preljocaj and music by Jeanne Added.

Lastly, in Brussels, the project L’Etoffe de l’Europe (The Fabric of Europe), coordinated by scenographer Adeline Rispal, will be installed in the buildings of the Council of the European Union. Sorties d’écoles (After school) at the Palais des Beaux-Arts (Bozar), dedicated to emerging French artists living in Belgium, is another part of this programme paying tribute to French visual arts, design and architecture.