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News & events > Culture at Crossroads: What Collaboration Do We Want In Eastern Europe?

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18 Sep 2020 - 18 Sep 2020

Culture at Crossroads: What Collaboration Do We Want In Eastern Europe?

culture360 is pleased to be the media partner of the East European Biennale Alliance (EEBA) for the upcoming Symposium 'Culture at Crossroads: What Collaboration Do We Want in Eastern Europe?'. The event will be streamed  online on Friday September 18th 2020 from 12 pm (CET) in English and is organised by the founding members of EEBA – Biennale Warszawa, Bienále Ve věci umění / Matter of Art Praha, OFF-Biennále Budapest a Kyiv Biennial (VCRC).

The newly established East Europe Biennial Alliance, comprised of the Biennale Matter of Art in Prague, Biennale Warszawa, Kyiv Biennial, and OFF-Biennale Budapest, aims to propose a different narrative of the East European region and redefining the way cultural institutions collaborate. As contemporary biennials have become an important vehicle reaching new contexts and audiences, the Alliance is designed to enhance the role of biennials in shaping innovative forms of international solidarity, expanding socio-political imagination and elaborating alternative cultural solutions. The Alliance brings biennials together to develop a shared vision and regional collaboration producing cross-border meetings, public events and working on the common agenda for upcoming years.