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News & events > culture360 Media Partner of Cross Festival 2020 - Walk Edition | Italy

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09 Jul 2020 - 26 Sep 2020

culture360 Media Partner of Cross Festival 2020 - Walk Edition | Italy

culture360 is excited to be the media partner of the CROSS Festival, a performing arts and contemporary dance festival that promotes experimentation and artistic investigation on the borderline between languages. This year, CROSS Festival will be presented as a Walking Edition, offering paths of performing arts, dance, theatre and music in urban and naturalistic spaces.


Due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, the originally planned festival as undergone a profound transformation. The festival will take the streets and paths of the city of Verbania and its territory through the practice of "walking together". It will give a voice to the artists by proposing 15 site-specific projects that will be developed between July and September to regain through walking, our physical and metaphysical spaces. These are urban interventions or crossings of naturalistic spaces, autonomous forms or artistic acts: forms of primitive or contemporary nomadism to rediscover the beauty of the landscape in which we live daily and, experience the perception of the reality through the eyes of dancers and artists invited to redesign Verbania's city geography.

Walk CROSS has been realized thanks to the collaboration with the Municipality of Verbania - Department of Culture, Fondazione Teatro il Maggiore, Museo del Paesaggio, Biblioteca P. Ceretti of Verbania, Allegro Brio, Associazione 21Marzo, Teatro sull'Acqua of Arona, Fondazione Tones on The Stones, Publishing and Gardens, Letteraltura, Cam Com VCO, Distretto Turistico dei Laghi, Auser Verbania/Università del Benessere of Verbania, the local tourist authorities.