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05 Nov 2020 - 07 Nov 2020

culture360 Media Partner of Engage: International Forum on the Arts for Children & Young People

culture360 is pleased to be the media partner of Engage, an international Forum of the Arts for Children and Young People, organised online from Kolkata, India on 5 to 7 November 2020. 

Presented by ThinkArts, in association with Goethe-Institut / Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata, Engage seeks to bring together various stakeholders – parents, artists, cultural institutions,  educators, museum professionals, venue directors and arts funding bodies - to share inspirational approaches, to deliberate on and arrive at possible solutions to bridge the gap in arts engagements for children and young people. Conducted entirely over the online platform, the Forum will include multiple perspectives through participation from across India and abroad. 

Highlights of Engage: 
- Bringing together stakeholders from various spheres in the arts for  children and young people sector in one platform – parents,  educators, curators, venue organisers, museum professionals, arts council members, artists, performers and more. 
- Amplifying voices from across the globe – speakers and moderators will span Australia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Germany, India, Norway, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand, The Netherlands, UK, USA, among others.
- Creating dialogues to identify and address gaps in the arts for children  and young people sector – focusing on arts and education, young people in cultural spaces, accessibility, digital arts engagements and  
- Presenting workshops by experienced professionals, for parents and  educators on creatively engaging children and young people. 
- Curating and showcasing digital performances and films created exclusively  for children and young people. 

Get the detailed programme by following:

Engage: International Forum on Arts for Children & Young People is an initiative by ThinkArts, in association with Goethe-Institut/ Max Mueller Bhavan Kolkata. This online  forum is also supported by the Australian Consulate General, Kolkata. ASEF Culture360 is ThinkArts’ media partner for Engage through the culture360 Media Partnership 2020.